

Everybody has stories to tell,
This is mine

Why I do what I do_

Photo Léon

Léon van de Klundert

Websites are the new store fronts, the new business cards and so much more than that. Now more than ever, it’s important to align your online presence with your physical one.

I’m proud to say that I’m a nerd and a sucker for slick design. I sometimes buy a product just because I like the design of the box it is sold in. To me look and feel is everything. I love fidgeting with websites, buttons, sliders and layouts till they’re none less than perfect.
But good looks aren’t everything, right? When you get something nice, it should at least be as functional as it is good looking. This is where my passion for coding and problem solving comes in. By writing custom elements and web apps, I make sure my websites are fully functional, responsive and – above all – intuitive to use.
A good feel and a good look, thats what I live for.

Are you ready to talk about your business website design & development?

Interested to cooperate? Get in touch!


So You're interested hmh?

Fill out the form at the bottom of the page or book a consult, so we can discover your options together!